Tuesday, September 25, 2007


is a song i used to listen all the time in my final year at georgetown when i went running along the potomac river.

these were taken in brooklyn gardens during the cherry blossom festival.

a group of us had been running earlier and paulina and i were so amused with the number of americans doing taichi on the grass. and after sometime of squinting at them in silence, we felt compelled to "represent" and lead the masses with our version 4.0 of crouching tiger hidden dragon.

i miss the sun. i like spring - running or biking as the days stretch out longer and longer. so much potential. the energy humming in the air, an undercurrent mmmmmmmm. molecules reverberating. everything calls, come play.

fall makes me sad. 7 years and im still not used to days getting shorter, to wool and big buttons and mitten gloves. people confront the cold with, "ah refreshing!" and to me its more like, "ah depressing." where goes the sun?

the challenge im setting myself this year is that im not going to let the cold stop me from running. come hell, fire or ice water i am going to run outside. even if this means i OD on layering and end up resembling one maniacal human marshmallow sprinting down soho, yes that's right, catch me if u can.

ok we'll see.